Transforming the way society uses, manages, and values freshwater.
A first-of-its-kind water stewardship initiative
Change the Course brings together the public, the business community, and on-the-ground conservation organizations to do the two things necessary to build water security: shrink our human water footprint and restore water to the natural world.
As of 2023, Change the Course has engaged with 90 diverse companies and 122 NGO partners to support 322 water stewardship projects across 22 U.S. states, Canada and Mexico. With its partners, CtC has restored billions of gallons of water to depleted rivers, wetlands and aquifers.
Created by Sandra Postel and Todd Reeve, CEO of the Bonneville Environmental Foundation (BEF), Change the Course is transforming the way society uses, manages, and values freshwater. Its founding partners are the National Geographic Society, BEF, and Participant Media. The initiative now resides within BEF, where it continues to expand the water stewardship movement.
In 2017, Change the Course was awarded the US Water Prize.
Do what you can to conserve – and then go beyond.
In 2015, the World Economic Forum declared water crises to be the top global risk to society over the next decade. Fortunately, through collaboration, we can create a more-secure water future. Hear from Sandra Postel, Director, Global Water Policy Project, and former Freshwater Fellow, National Geographic Society, how this unique initiative is creating a triple win for communities, businesses, and ecosystems, and proving that we can in fact change the course of our water story for good.
Photo of Verde River: Cheryl Zook/National Geographic
For more information about Change the Course:
Visit changethecourse.us